
Islam was introduced in Patani as early as during the 10th century by Arab and Persian traders. It may also be known earlier as Kota Maligai (ca7th century). The link between Patani and Pasai in Sumatra was very close. Many religious teachers from Pasai crossed over the Straits of Malacca to Patani to help established an islamic Patani kingdom. In the Hikayat Patani it is mentioned that in the15th century an ulama from Pasai named Syeikh Said converted Raja Phya Tu Nakpa a Patani king. He was than known as Sultan Ismail Syah. Sultan Ismail Syah named his new capital seaport as 'Pantai Ini' which is the origin of the name 'Patani' which means 'This Beach'. 

Period : dated 1309AH = 1891AD,  Patani Province

Obv : incused inscription 'Al Matsaraffi Balad Al Patani Sanat 1309' (Currency of the State of Patani year 1309 AH = 1891)  Reverse : in Malay 'Ini Pitis Belanja Dalam Negri Patani' (This Pitis is currency within State of Patani)

Metal/Denomination : Tin Pitis

Ref : Saran Singhs SS 75

Period : dated 1307AH = 1889AD,  Patani of Saiburi Province

Obv : Al Daulat Al Kairiyat Fi Balad Al Saiwi 1307 (The benevolent state, the country of Sai, 1307)  Reverse : decorations of lotus buds.

Metal/Denomination : Tin Pitis

Ref : Saran Singhs SS 86 (RR)

Period : dated 1312AH = 1894AD, Patani of Jering Province

Obv : Hadza Al Dewan Al Raja Al Adil Fi Balad Al Jaring 1302 (This is the official currency of the just Raja of the country of Jaring 1302) Reverse :  Blank

Metal/Denomination : Tin Pitis

Ref : Saran Singhs SS 81 (RR)

Period : no date, circa late 19th century, Patani of Ligeh Province

Obv : Pitis Negri Langkat Daral Salam  Reverse :  Malik Al Adil Khalifatul Muminin

Metal/Denomination : Tin Pitis

Ref : Saran Singhs SS 83 (RR)

Period : undate, circa 16th-18th century

Obv : 6 petalled flower  Reverse :  blank

Metal/Denomination : Tin Pitis

Ref : similar to Saran Singh's SS 65A

Period : undate, circa 16th-18th century

Obv : 8 petalled flower  Reverse :  blank

Metal/Denomination : Tin Pitis

Ref : similar to Saran Singh's SS 65A

See also Kelantan-Patani (Malaysia)



Kenny Ong Yew Chuan


  14 June 2005